Friday, September 25, 2009

I Hate Mornings!

Beep, beep, beep!! Ugh, I thought to myself as my annoying alarm clock blared right in my ear. I hate getting up! Why must school be so early in middle school? Why not later than elementary school?!
I sighed. As much as I hated it, I knew I would have to get up sooner or later. I stared at my alarm clock again. It read 5:41 AM, September 25, 2009. It was a Friday.
Well... there is one good thing. It's a Friday! Yes! I thought to myself. I pressed the button on my iHome and walked into my bathroom.
I went to the bathroom... that's not that informational, so I will just leave it at that. Stripping off my clothes, I turned on my shower water.
When I got in, the water was SO FREAKIN' COLD! Ah shi-er... bad thoughts!! Go away!

The warm water trickled down my body as I dipped my head under the stream. Ahh... I sighed to myself. This is the life. But mornings still suck.

Random Poem Stuff
My pen moves as if it is alive;
my feelings pouring out of my mind.
Imagination is the key.

Horoscopes for 9/25: Scorpios (as found on MSN so technically I DO NOT OWN!)
Remember that the best way to create harmony among others is to first establish harmony within yourself, dear Scorpio. Don't expect others to take care of you and attend to all of your needs and desires. At the same time, it is not your responsibility to dote on others, either. The boundaries may get a bit ambiguous at times, but do your best to maintain a healthy separation. People may pull on your heartstrings in order to manipulate you into doing what they want. Don't fall for this trick.

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